
Will I Go to Jail if I Violate Probation?

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In Ohio, individuals convicted of a crime may be assigned probation instead of more significant penalties, such as prison time. Probation offers several key permissions that are not granted by more severe penalties, although probation still involves strict rules. 

Violating the terms of your probation sentence can lead to serious consequences, including additional jail time, imprisonment, a longer probation period and other charges. Protect your rights alongside a Dayton criminal defense lawyer at The VanNoy Firm. We can provide advice that is specific to your case. 

Understanding Probation in Ohio

Probation is a punishment that typically involves community supervision that is assigned in place of jail time. The primary objective of probation is to motivate people to live according to the law. Most often, individuals who confess or plead guilty to minor charges are sentenced to probation; however, there are other situations that may also call for probation. 

By imposing a probationary period, the court frequently demonstrates its good faith and expresses some confidence in the offender’s capacity to refrain from committing other offenses or crimes. 

Usually, a person who is serving a probation sentence must regularly meet with an assigned parole officer. These visits may be weekly or monthly, depending on what the court decides, and some visits may take place at the person’s home. In some cases, probation may also require employment, community service, avoiding illegal substances and paying any relevant court fees. 

Common Probation Violations

The rules of a probation sentence can vary depending on the situation, so it’s important that you fully understand the terms of your sentence. You may face legal consequences if you do not remain in the designated geographic area that is included in their probation rules. For example, an individual under probation might not be allowed to leave their country or travel between states. Often, individuals on probation cannot carry firearms and are held to other obligations, including child support payments, restitution fees and more. 

There are several common probation violations, such as:

  • Association with people who have a criminal record, especially those who are currently on probation 
  • Committing a second offense
  • Refusal to visit a probation officer
  • Failed a drug test
  • Refusing to complete a drug or alcohol test
  • Not registering as a sex offender
  • Failure to pay court fines or reparations as required
  • Not completing court-ordered community service
  • Absence from required therapy sessions
  • Failure to find or keep a suitable job

Penalties of a Probation Violation

There are severe legal consequences for violating a probation order. In Ohio, a probation violation can lead to arrest and, depending on the circumstances, more charges. A person who is caught violating their probation sentence may face new charges alongside the original offense, and the violation can impact the potential for expungement in the future. 

Contact a Dayton Criminal Defense Lawyer Immediately

If you were arrested for violating a probation sentence, contact a Dayton criminal defense lawyer at The VanNoy Firm immediately to review your options. 



About The Author

Anthony S. VanNoy

Trial Attorney

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