
Wrongful Death Attorney in Dayton

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Wrongful Death Attorney in Dayton

If someone else’s negligence – or worse – causes you to lose a loved one in an accident of any kind (or during the commission of a crime), the loss is devastating, and finding your way forward can be exceptionally difficult. The law addresses the kinds of damages you have suffered via wrongful death laws and claims, and while no legal claim can return your lost loved one to you, obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled can help you and your family heal. If this is the difficult situation you find yourself in, do not delay consulting with an experienced wrongful death attorney in Dayton

Those Survivors Who Are Allowed to File

Under Ohio law, the following family members can file wrongful death claims on behalf of their lost loved one:

  • The decedent’s surviving spouse
  • The decedent’s surviving children
  • The decedent’s surviving parents

These are the survivors who are generally able to pursue damages for their losses in Ohio wrongful death claims. 

The Time Frame

Your ability to seek compensation after your immense loss is not without limitation. In Ohio, the statute of limitations (the deadline) for filing a wrongful death lawsuit is two years from the date of your loved one’s death (in most cases). It is important to note that this does not mean the date of the accident that ultimately proved fatal but the date that your loved one died. 

Compensation Sought

The categories of compensation you can seek in your wrongful death claim include:

  • The loss of financial support provided by your loved one
  • The loss of your loved one’s company, including care, companionship, protection, education, training, and advice (as applicable)
  • The mental anguish suffered
  • The loss of your loved one’s services

The Necessary Elements of Your Wrongful Death Claim

In Ohio, the four elements that are necessary to bring a successful wrongful death claim include:

  • The at-fault party owed your loved one a duty of care, such as motorists owe everyone with whom they share the road. 
  • The at-fault party breached the duty of care owed to your loved one, such as if a drunk driver caused the fatal accident. 
  • The at-fault party’s breach of the duty of care he or she owed your loved one caused his or her fatal injuries, such as in the fatal car accident caused by the drunk driver. 
  • You suffered actual damages (as defined above) as a result of your loss. 

Speak with an Experienced Wrongful Death Attorney in Dayton Today

If someone else’s negligence causes you to lose a loved one, the journey toward recovery is long and arduous, but the compassionate wrongful death attorneys at The VanNoy Firm in Dayton understand the gravity of your situation and dedicate their practice to helping clients like you prevail with just compensation that allows them the best opportunity to fully heal. For more information about how we can also help you, please do not wait to contact us today.  

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