
Is It Worth It to Fight My Traffic Violation?

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After being pulled over by the police, you may be understandably worried about your future. A traffic violation is a criminal infraction, and even a single violation can have a lasting impact on your criminal record. In some circumstances, your driving privileges may be at risk, and depending on the severity of the violation, you may wish to fight the charges and defend yourself against any consequences. 

Before paying your ticket, reach out to an experienced Dayton criminal defense attorney to explore other possible resolutions. There are several potential benefits to defending yourself against a traffic offense allegation, which we review below.

Understand the Potential Impact of Your Traffic Violation

While traffic violations may appear minor compared to other criminal charges, they still potentially lead to serious consequences that can impact your future. In some circumstances, a ticket can mean higher insurance premiums, which can lead to thousands of dollars spent as a result. Before making any decisions, it’s important to understand the exact laws you were accused of violating since it is sometimes possible for your attorney to demonstrate that you did not break the law at all.

Paying the ticket is considered to be an omission of guilt and will therefore significantly complicate your case. Even if you aren’t sure whether your case can be successfully fought, do not pay any fines. Instead, reach out to our attorneys as soon as possible to begin strategizing an effective legal defense. 

Reasons to Fight a Traffic Violation

At a consultation with your attorney, we can review your case and help you determine the potential advantages of fighting your ticket. Since even minor infractions can put your driving privileges and freedom at risk, we recommend exploring all possible avenues to ensure you reach the outcome you need. There are several key reasons to fight your traffic violation accusation, which include:

  • Keep Your Driving Record Clean. Pleading guilty to a traffic offense and paying the fines will show the violation on your record for up to 7 years, depending on the severity of the offense. On the other hand, fighting your charges can remove them from your driving record.
  • Avoid Point Penalties. Ohio uses a point-based system that revokes driving privileges if 12 points are accumulated in two years. Choosing not to defend against the charges can lead to future consequences. 
  • Certain Consequences Are Avoidable. In many circumstances, there is sufficient evidence to dismiss your traffic ticket. Your attorney can carefully build a legal defense based on camera evidence, witness reports and other information to protect your best interests. 

Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

If you were charged with a traffic offense, it may be feasible to fight your charges and keep your record clean. Fighting a traffic violation is possible alongside a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. The Vannoy Firm continuously works to protect our clients’ driving privileges by providing formidable legal representation. Call us at the soonest opportunity to begin strategizing your defense. 



About The Author

Anthony S. VanNoy

Trial Attorney

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