
Carrying Concealed Weapons in Ohio

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Carrying Concealed Weapons in Ohio

The Second Amendment gives Ohioans the right to keep (own) and bear (carry) firearms. Your right to own guns is largely unfettered. There are some restrictions, such as the type of firearm. However, the government closely regulates your right to carry guns. These laws vary significantly in different states. Therefore, many gun owners are confused about their rights.

In a nutshell, open carry is usually legal in Ohio. Concealed carry is usually legal as well, although the rules are much more intricate.

The right to bear arms is perhaps one of the most controversial rights of our time. There are convincing arguments on both sides. So, there is a good chance that local law enforcement officers are anti-gun. If that is the case, you need a good concealed weapons lawyer from The VanNoy Firm on your side. We work hard to defend your Constitutional rights.

Who is Entitled to a CCW Permit?

Licensed gun owners may normally carry guns openly, except in their vehicles or in establishments that sell alcohol. That second label usually applies to places that sell ready-to-drink alcohol as well as places that sell packaged alcohol.

As for CCW permits, Ohio is a must-issue state. So, if the applicant meets the minimum qualifications, the county sheriff must issue a permit. The law gives CLEOs (Chief Law Enforcement Officers) no discretion in these areas. These qualifications usually include an age requirement, a clean criminal history, and an eight-hour firearms use and safety course. Some individuals, such as veterans and active-duty service members, are exempt from some of these requirements.

CCW license holders have an affirmative duty to inform officers that they are carrying concealed weapons. “No Guns Allowed” signs are enforceable in Ohio. These signs must be posted in conspicuous places and include specific language.

Ohio does not have a red flag law or a brandishing law. Red flag laws allow authorities to seize guns in certain situations, such as a mental health referral. Brandishing laws prohibit CCW license holders from displaying their weapons in threatening ways. These laws are extremely subjective.

Prohibited Places and Prohibited Activities

The right to carry a concealed weapon is far from absolute. Some prohibited places in Ohio include:

  • Schools: Most people do not have a problem with this restriction. The issue is that many schools do not look like schools. Many educational annexes are not in traditional “school” buildings. The law is also a bit unclear as to whether the prohibition applies in places where children are not present.
  • Courthouses: These same issues sometimes apply to courthouses. For example, many traffic courts are in mini-malls or other commercial areas. Does the CCW prohibition apply only to the court or to the entire mini-mall? Once again, the law is rather uncertain.
  • Public Parks: Many parks look like parks, but they are on private property. Homeowners’ association parks are not public parks. Similarly, many church parks are not public parks either, even if the church park is publicly accessible.

This list is perhaps most noteworthy for the places it omits. It is legal to carry a concealed weapon in a bar as long as the bearer does not consume alcohol. It is also legal to carry a concealed weapon in a state or national park or at a roadside rest area.

In the coronavirus age, some people are concerned about weaning masks and carrying guns. Many states have laws that arguably prohibit such conduct. But Ohio has no such rule.

Connect With a Hard-Working Lawyer

Ohio restricts your right to carry a gun. For a confidential consultation with an experienced CCW attorney in Dayton, contact The VanNoy Firm. Convenient payment plans are available.



About The Author

Anthony S. VanNoy

Trial Attorney

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