


The VanNoy Firm Blog

The VanNoy Firm is dedicated, working diligently to bring their clients aggressive and
individualized legal representation. Enjoy some of our law writing here on our blog.

Can Results of a Field Sobriety Test Be Used in Court in Ohio?

Can Results of a Field Sobriety Test Be Used in Court in Ohio?

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are a common tool for law enforcement officers to assess the potential impairment of drivers. The results are frequently used as evidence in DUI/OVI cases. But…

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5 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting

5 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally challenging and stressful experience, especially for children. It is even more difficult when both parents have different approaches and attitudes toward co-parenting.…

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Why Shouldn’t You Just Accept a Misdemeanor Conviction?

Why Shouldn’t You Just Accept a Misdemeanor Conviction?

In the state of Ohio, misdemeanor crimes are classified into five distinct categories, each carrying varying degrees of penalties. It’s a common misconception that these charges are minor, so accepting…

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How Does Bail Work in Ohio?

How Does Bail Work in Ohio?

Bail is a critical component of the criminal justice system. It serves as a mechanism to ensure that an accused person returns to court for trial while allowing them the…

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How Can I Reinstate a Suspended Driver’s License in Ohio?

How Can I Reinstate a Suspended Driver’s License in Ohio?

Losing your driver's license can profoundly impact your life, affecting everything from your daily commute to your ability to run simple errands or visit loved ones. With countless Ohioans having…

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When is Theft a Felony in Ohio?

When is Theft a Felony in Ohio?

Theft charges in Ohio can range from misdemeanors to felonies, depending on various factors. It is essential to understand the different degrees of theft and the criteria used to classify…

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