


The VanNoy Firm Blog

The VanNoy Firm is dedicated, working diligently to bring their clients aggressive and
individualized legal representation. Enjoy some of our law writing here on our blog.

The Difference Between Assault and Battery Charges

The Difference Between Assault and Battery Charges

Disputes can arise between strangers or even friends and family members that get quickly out of hand. Unfortunately, your actions in response to perceived slights or disagreements could end up…

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Online Activities Can Result in Serious Criminal Charges in Ohio

Online Activities Can Result in Serious Criminal Charges in Ohio

Most of us spend a significant portion of our day online. Whether you use the internet as part of your job, for shopping, news, and Google searches, or simply as…

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What to do as Parents When Your Child Faces Juvenile Charges in Ohio

What to do as Parents When Your Child Faces Juvenile Charges in Ohio

As parents, you do your best to instill in your children strong values and a clear sense of right and wrong. Despite your efforts and best intentions, they can still…

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Sentencing Alternatives can Help You Avoid Jail Time

Sentencing Alternatives can Help You Avoid Jail Time

When facing any type of criminal charges in Ohio, you need a strong, experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Even in cases in which there is overwhelming evidence against…

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Six Common Types of Defenses to Criminal Charges in Ohio

Six Common Types of Defenses to Criminal Charges in Ohio

Criminal charges in Ohio can put your job and your reputation in jeopardy. If convicted, you could face heavy fines, a mandatory jail sentence, and a criminal record that follows…

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What to Know if You are Charged With Embezzlement in Ohio

What to Know if You are Charged With Embezzlement in Ohio

Embezzlement is considered to be a white-collar crime and involves property theft in a situation in which you are entrusted to manage or monitor someone else’s money or property. If…

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